The way I did it with Proxy was to create proxy-1.0-rc* tags and just
like sebb said, when the vote finally passed, I copied the successful
rc tag over to the proxy-1.0 tag.  I think that's the best way to go
with respect to our release voting procedures in commons.

On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 5:55 PM, Jochen
Wiedmann<> wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 11:48 PM, sebb<> wrote:
>> AIUI, the GA tag is created before the vote. If the vote fails, the
>> tag has to be deleted and recreated for the next vote. I.e. the tag is
>> not enough to identify the source of what was voted on.
> I agree with you that *release* tags are important and should be kept. I
> won't bother too much with tags that have been rejected.
>> Whereas if one uses a tag with RCn in the name, one can create RC1,
>> RC2, RC3 etc if the votes fail; whichever RCn succeeds can then be
>> copied to the GA tag, which is therefore not changed once created.
> And what prevents you to rename release => RC1, release => RC2, and
> so on, unto a successful vote? (Not that I'd request that, but it sounds like
> a good compromise.)
> Jochen
> --
> Don't trust a government that doesn't trust you.
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