On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 1:06 PM, Siegfried
Goeschl<siegfried.goes...@it20one.at> wrote:

> I think this things were discussed a couple of times before and my
> understanding of it
> +) we use the M2 release plugin to cut the RC
> +) the RC is using the "real" release tag because it is referenced in
> the released pom
> +) if the vote passes that the RC is the release and we move it just around
> If my view of things is wrong and/or incomplete then please update the
> wiki page (http://wiki.apache.org/commons/CreatingReleases)
> Any feedback appreciated

I made good experiences with Nexus in my last two releases. I'd
recommend to use it.

Basically, the process is the same than what you are doing until the
point when the release
is accepted. At that point you are basically done with Nexus. See




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