Sam Halliday wrote:
Bill, I strongly discourage adding these methods at this time. We will regret
If you don't want to change (i.e. add new methods) to an interface, then the
sensible thing is to omit these interfaces for 2.0 and introduce them with
+1. Unless we are either a) agreed on contents of non-marker interfaces
or b) willing to leave (until 3.0) markers empty, we should omit them.
We cannot introduce incompatible changes in point releases.
Bill Barker wrote:
What I actually went for is to add getSparcity to the SparseRealVector
interface (should be easy to calculate in one dimension, and mostly useful
for DEBUG level logging, so stubbing it shouldn't be a problem if not),
getShape for the SparseRealMatrix interface that returns an enum that
currently only has the value of 'Any'.
I really don't like the idea of changing the API between minor releases,
put in place-holders for what seems to be the consensus for going forward.
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