Sam Halliday a écrit :
> Luc... couldn't agree more regarding Serializable. Adding the Serializable
> interface instantly means you not only have to be API compatible with future
> releases but also binary Serializable compatible. This is what stung MTJ...
> it means you can't swap internal details of fields.
> I strongly recommend everybody read the Bloch chapters on Serialisation
> before ever implementing that interface.

OK. What do you suggest now ? Completely remove Serializable (which
would really bother me as I do use it) or remove it from interfaces and
add it appropriately to some implementation classes ?


> sebb-2-2 wrote:
>> On 21/05/2009, Luc Maisonobe <> wrote:
>> Nevertheless, adding serialization needs to be considered carefully,
>> as pointed out here:
>> Furthermore, readObject() cannot be used with final fields. Bloch
>> (Effective Java) suggests using readResolve() instead, but even this
>> has limitations.
>> As the book points out, merely making a class Serializable is
>> equivalent to adding a public constructor which sets all the
>> non-transient fields without perfoming any validation.
>> If there are any constraints on the fields, these have to be addressed
>> in readObject() and/or readResolve() methods.

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