Luc Maisonobe a écrit :
> Henri Yandell a écrit :
>> On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 3:53 AM,  <> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Considering the ongoing discussion in another thread, the current changes 
>>> that have been done on [math] for the last months belong to the major 
>>> changes with large incompatibilities with previous versions. We have 
>>> already decided that the version number will be 2.0 to acknowledge that. I 
>>> know of at least one big international research project that uses 
>>> commons-math 1.2 and will switch to 2.0 when it will be published. They 
>>> have already faced compatibility problems recently (two days ago).
>>> Should we change the top level package name from org.apache.commons.math to 
>>> org.apache.commons.math2 ?
>> Generate a clirr report when 2.0 is ready and decide then :)
> 183 errors ...
> Well this may seem very large, but there are a few categories that
> contribute a lot to this large number. Some changes are mainly internal
> like exception constructors. Some changes correspond to deprecated APIs
> that were purged. Several related sets of classes were moved together in
> sub-packages. There are also additions to interfaces for which we don't
> expect users to provide their own implementations (the most typical case
> is RealMatrix).
>>From the very beginning, we had decided it will be a major release and
> didn't refrain to add incompatible changes, putting them all in one
> release to make sure we have a very clean start version for 2.x. As far
> as I am concerned, the old package name would be fine. However, it seems
> the policy for such changes is now to change these names, and lots of
> good arguments have been presented recently, so I thought we should
> follow the general trend and good advices.
> So let's vote on this proposal: change the top level package name on
> [math] from org.apache.commons.math to org.apache.commons.math2.
> [] +1 change the top level package name
> []  0 I don't care
> [] -1 keep the old name

Here is my own +1

> Vote open for 72 hours (up to Friday May 19th 20h00 UTC)
> Luc
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