On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 3:53 AM,  <luc.maison...@free.fr> wrote:
> Hello,
> Considering the ongoing discussion in another thread, the current changes 
> that have been done on [math] for the last months belong to the major changes 
> with large incompatibilities with previous versions. We have already decided 
> that the version number will be 2.0 to acknowledge that. I know of at least 
> one big international research project that uses commons-math 1.2 and will 
> switch to 2.0 when it will be published. They have already faced 
> compatibility problems recently (two days ago).
> Should we change the top level package name from org.apache.commons.math to 
> org.apache.commons.math2 ?

Generate a clirr report when 2.0 is ready and decide then :)

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