Mark Struberg wrote:

So if you tag the RC as DBUTILS_1_2_RC1 then the source code includes "RC1". If you then later copy that tag to "DBUTILS_1_2" the source code will still say "RC1".

Sorry Dan, there are a lot things missing in mavens release process, but this very thing is imho not a problem with maven but with the weirdness of SVN handling tags. If you make a svn:copy, then you _will_ create_a_new_tag_! So pom.xml still contains exactly that what has been released, and not only pom.xml, but _ALL_ release artifacts e.g. the sources.tar.gz, etc. Renaming tags, moving tags etc is essentially a no-no if you don't perform a build from that exact location afterwards. SVN guaranties atomic operations - at least _almost_ always. And I've seen a lot of weirdness in my last 20 years of using SCMs where this 'almost' did matter a lot ;) If you have to make sure 100%, then you have to build from the exact location.

I agree that subversion tags are silly, and on many projects I own, I don't use them; I just record the revision number in a wiki and call that a "tag."

With that said, I don't actually want to release a binary from one tag and then copy to another. (I didn't mean to suggest that I wanted that in my previous reply.)

I just wish the source code files didn't contain a line saying "This is RC3"; because then, when we decide that RC3 is final, I have to change the code one last time to make it actually final.

What's wrong with the maven-staging? You tag as if you do a release (with exact that tag in SVN and pom.xml) but the results will not be deployed to the final repo but only to a staging repo. Maybe I only missed that part of the discussion, sorry for the noise then.

To recap: Performing the release "as if" it were final is a wise workaround, but when you use the release plugin to do it, it will create a tag for you, which creates a riddle as to whether you want to call the tag "_RC3" or whether you want to just give it the final name, forcing you to modify the tag (delete/recreate) if RC4 is necessary. (The idea here being that deleting/recreating tags is bad.)


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