On 13/05/2009, Christian Grobmeier <grobme...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > If it is only the file names that contain the -RC2 suffix, then we can
>  > just rename those too.
>  > [May also need to edit the hash files, but that is easy to automate]
> I am not sure if the steps afterwards fail since they are looking for
>  those filenames. Its maybe fixed int he newly created pom.xml, which
>  we had to edit too.

I was forgetting about the publishing stage, which is also controlled
(sic) by Maven.

>  > However, if the directory names within the archives contain the -RC2
>  > suffix, then that is a different matter. Maybe a Maven expert can give
>  > advice here on how to work with immutable tags?
> The wiki describes we simply should delete the tag:
> "If vote fails, undo and redo previous steps as appropriate (make sure
>  SVN tag is deleted before recreating)"
> Looks like it was consens that we don't do *-RC2 names. This way
>  dbutils was released. I am not sure if I want to break up this process
>  just for compress but rather go ahead and follow it. I am afraid
>  before tons of problems just because of a naming issue :-)

Yes, this is getting complicated.

I suggest you just go ahead with the current process, but please
include the tag revision in the vote thread so we can identify it

I raise a separate issue how to ensure that tags are unique in commons
release votes.

>  christian
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