On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 8:27 AM, Stefan Bodewig <bode...@apache.org> wrote: > On 2009-02-20, Torsten Curdt <tcu...@apache.org> wrote: > >>> If somebody provides a patch in JIRA and we commit it, do we >>> automatically add the submitter as a contributor to the POM (in >>> Ant-land we'd do so, well, not inside the POM, of course)? > >> Not sure there is a policy. > > Thought so.
Yep. Personally I add people when it's a new feature or notable enhancement, but not for bugfixes. Loosely speaking. >> I've usually added contributors only if it's more than just 1-2 >> patches. Of course I name them in the commit. > > OK. The JIRA contribution report (sales pitch! :) ) can help here. When doing a release, look at the list of people who contributed to that release and add any who are missing. >>> Is there a policy on sort order? Is there a policy about including >>> the email address? > >> I used to include the email address but resorted to the name only when >> I "realized" that email addresses or just not forever. > > We've decided to remove each and every email address in Ant long ago > since they are really only sources for "please help me mails" that > should almost always go to the user list instead. +1 >>> For commons-compress I'm going to track down the contributors to Ant's >>> original code base since the current state really doesn't reflect the >>> contributions of the people who wrote the code in the first place. > >> Those should be listed in the NOTICE.txt IMO ...which currently lists: > > Really? I thought NOTICE played an important role for the legal stuff > we must put in there - and shouldn't contain anything beyond what we > legally must include. Agreed. The only time I've put something in a NOTICE in this type of use case, was when someone had put their copyright in the patch and it was too dated a patch to figure out otherwise. >> Original BZip2 classes contributed by Keiron Liddle >> <kei...@aftexsw.com>, Aftex Software to the Apache Ant project >> Original Tar classes from contributors of the Apache Ant project >> Original Zip classes from contributors of the Apache Ant project >> Original CPIO classes contributed by Markus Kuss and the jRPM project >> (jrpm.sourceforge.net) > > My ego is big enough that I don't care much today (a few years ago > things were quite different and I was thrilled to see my name in a > commit email). > > Those statements really downplay the importance of very few > individuals to the original code. I feel a bit uncomfortable hiding > their names behind "contributors of Ant". If you looked at the POM as > it is right now - and thus at the generated Maven site, you won't see > the names of the people who have actually written the code at all. We should just sign everything "The Commons" :) Hen --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscr...@commons.apache.org For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h...@commons.apache.org