Stefan Bodewig a écrit :
> Hi all,
> again I'm showing my newby-ness and I'm asking for an existing
> policy/practice if there is one.
> If somebody provides a patch in JIRA and we commit it, do we
> automatically add the submitter as a contributor to the POM (in
> Ant-land we'd do so, well, not inside the POM, of course)?

I think it depends on component and on the people who commit the
contribution. As a rule, I add all contributors in [math] pom.

> Is there a policy on sort order?  Is there a policy about including
> the email address?

Probably not. If you think otherwise, the contributor authorization
should be at least asked for. Of course, sending something to a public
mailing list is already giving up some privacy, but it is probably fair
to ask first.


> For commons-compress I'm going to track down the contributors to Ant's
> original code base since the current state really doesn't reflect the
> contributions of the people who wrote the code in the first place.
> Thanks
>         Stefan
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