On 2009-02-20, Torsten Curdt <tcu...@apache.org> wrote:

>> If somebody provides a patch in JIRA and we commit it, do we
>> automatically add the submitter as a contributor to the POM (in
>> Ant-land we'd do so, well, not inside the POM, of course)?

> Not sure there is a policy.

Thought so.

> I've usually added contributors only if it's more than just 1-2
> patches. Of course I name them in the commit.


>> Is there a policy on sort order?  Is there a policy about including
>> the email address?

> I used to include the email address but resorted to the name only when
> I "realized" that email addresses or just not forever.

We've decided to remove each and every email address in Ant long ago
since they are really only sources for "please help me mails" that
should almost always go to the user list instead.

>> For commons-compress I'm going to track down the contributors to Ant's
>> original code base since the current state really doesn't reflect the
>> contributions of the people who wrote the code in the first place.

> Those should be listed in the NOTICE.txt IMO ...which currently lists:

Really?  I thought NOTICE played an important role for the legal stuff
we must put in there - and shouldn't contain anything beyond what we
legally must include.

> Original BZip2 classes contributed by Keiron Liddle
> <kei...@aftexsw.com>, Aftex Software to the Apache Ant project
> Original Tar classes from contributors of the Apache Ant project
> Original Zip classes from contributors of the Apache Ant project
> Original CPIO classes contributed by Markus Kuss and the jRPM project
> (jrpm.sourceforge.net)

My ego is big enough that I don't care much today (a few years ago
things were quite different and I was thrilled to see my name in a
commit email).

Those statements really downplay the importance of very few
individuals to the original code.  I feel a bit uncomfortable hiding
their names behind "contributors of Ant".  If you looked at the POM as
it is right now - and thus at the generated Maven site, you won't see
the names of the people who have actually written the code at all.


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