I'm not saying they need to prove it, but if we have a code grant on
hand (which states that they have the rights to license/donate the
code I would assume), then we have a bit more of a paper trail.  But,
if you insist that it's not necessary, I trust you.  You seem to have
a better grasp on this stuff than me.  :)  I would just make sure
we're covered here.  This is one of the reasons we have the incubator.

On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 11:16 AM, Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org> wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> No, not everyone has the right to license their code with the Apache
>> License.
> Wrong. Anyone can license *their* code any way they wish.
> If they work for a company and their contract states that
>> the company owns anything they create under their employ, then they do
>> not own it.
> So is isn't *their* code.
>> Also, who is to say that they didn't steal the code from
>> some codebase (perhaps from their employer; think SCO) that isn't
>> Apache-Licensed?
> You can't prove a negative. They can't possibly prove they didn't steal the
> code. More importantly the ASF isn't asking them to do this as we don't need
> them to do this. The AL header in the code (or some other statement in any
> form) is all the protection we need.
> If we are ever approached by soemone claiming license or copyright
> infringement we would investigate that claim and take appropriate action.
> Mark
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