On Feb 6, 2008 1:44 PM, Simon Kitching <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ---- Stephen Colebourne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
> > Deprecation is useful when a method has been
> > implemented incorrectly, and we want to push users
> > to a replacement, or for similar issues. Removing deprecated
> > classes/methods should be considered in a major version change,
> > but even there we should question what the gain is. Having a
> > 'nice and clean' no deprecations API release isn't sufficient a
> > reason. We must always put the convenience of our users ahead of
> > our natural refactoring and coding instincts.
> +1
> If a deprecated method is blocking significant improvement of the product, 
> then ok remove it. But just to "clean up" is not really a good enough excuse.

I don't mind the deprecations staying for IO 2.x - just thought that
if there was going to be a package rename for JDK 1.5, then may as
well clean up the deprecations as well. If, because of generic erasure
IO 2.x isn't incompatible (except for the requirement for a higher JDK
version) then how about retaining the current package name?


> > The problem is that there is no practical solution to a jar
> > hell situation. Thus, it is our absolute responsibility to
> > do everything in our power to avoid us being the cause of it.
> Over the last two weeks I've been working on embedding jspwiki into a locally 
> developed application. Now jspwiki is compiled against Lucene 1.4.3, but the 
> app already uses Lucene 2.3.0. And yep, they are incompatible (slightly, but 
> enough).
> Fortunately jspwiki's search functionality is "pluggable" so by rewriting one 
> jspwiki class I could make things work. But if the problem library had been 
> more deeply embedded into the two systems I don't know what I could possibly 
> have done.
> Of course if the new release was org.apache.lucene2, then there would be no 
> problem.
> Compatibility is important.
> Regards, Simon
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