On Feb 4, 2008 8:47 PM, Niall Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We've discussed moving to a minimum of JDK 1.5 for IO 2.0 previously -
> theres also an JIRA report here:
>    http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IO-140
> From memory the preference was to move to a new package name  - how
> about "org.apache.commons.io2"?

For Collections it makes sense as there's a big API change planned.

For the others, I think they should charge in and see what kind of API
changes are required. If we're talking small ones, then I'd prefer not
to. I continue to not think that the next major version of a jar has
to kill itself over backwards compatibility (ie: what's the point of a
major version).

> Are there any objections to me creating an IO 1.4 branch from the
> current trunk and then starting work on IO 2.0 in the trunk.

Any need to make the branch?

ie) Wait until you need it; as long as you have a tag of the latest
release you can always branch from that.

> Initial plans would be:
>  - rename to the new package
>  - remove deprecated items
>  - Making appropriate JDK 1.5 changes (generics, using StringBuilder
> and new Appendable for Writers etc).

I'd move the new package one to 3rd rather than 1st.


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