
I have prepared a release candidate 4 of commons-fileupload
1.2.1. The SVN tag is commons-fileupload-1.2.1rc4. A list of
changes since rc3 and things that I haven't changes,
can be found below.

As usual, the proposed distributables can be found on


The proposed site (unchanged since rc3) is on




[ ] +1
[ ] =0
[ ] -1

Changes since 1.2.1rc3:

- Upgraded commons-parent to version 7. This means, in particular,
  that the maven-remote-resources-plugin is no longer used.
- MD5 and SHA1 checksums now have the binary flag (*)
- Fixed the copyright in the Javadoc bottom
- Building with Ant and Java 1.3.1 works again.

Other comments:

>  What does "(optional)" mean in the Dependencies section under Commons IO?

It means optional. Commons-IO is required only, if you intend to use
the DiskFileItem.

> What commands are needed to build and test the code?

The same than for most other commons projects:

    maven build
    mvn install

Choose what you prefer.

> I could not find the information on the site.

May be. However, if that is the case, then it was the same for at
least the previous two releases and it wasn't a blocking issue at the

> Also, build.xml seems to be out of date, as it refers to junit 3.8.1.

I don't think this is a problem.

Look, that's why there's rules, understand? So that you think before
you break 'em.

    -- (Terry Pratchett, Thief of Time)

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