Hi folks,

thanks for your help in promoting commons-exec - I would like to discuss a few of the points mentioned in the emails

+) "how long is Siegfried sticking around" - well, I can't give you any binding commitments and you don't expect one. I need a properly working commons-exec for my company, I was annoyed enough with the broken code to sit down and it is actually small enough to cram the working hours past midnight when my family is asleep ... :-)

+) as mentioned before the project should not be a "one man show" - with your help it is not any longer. And looking how many projects are handling external processes inproperly I see a lot of people in need of a poperly working and maintained commons-exec

What I would like to do the next few weeks

+) clean up the remaining code
+) do field testing on Mac, Linux and Windows to ensure a certain quality
+) setup a WIKI page
+) write a tutorial

When all of these things are done we should have a look at the promotion ....


Siegfried Goeschl

Rahul Akolkar wrote:
On 1/3/08, Niall Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I would hate to see it
promoted and then it go inactive again shortly after. I know
circumstances change and there are no binding commitments here - but
stating an intention to stick around and look after it when proposing
promotion would make me more likely to vote for it

That sums it up for me as well.


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