Phil Steitz wrote:
> On Dec 2, 2007 11:09 AM, Mark Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Tomcat has been bitten [1] by a bug [2] in pool-1.3. Currently we are
>> considering reverting to pool-1.2 but would obviously prefer to move to
>> pool-1.4 (that included a fix for [2]) due to the many fixes in 1.3.
>> A quick scan of the archives suggests that an offer of an extra pair of
>> hands might help speed up a pool-1.4 release in the near term. So, here I am.
> Thanks!  This is exactly what is needed.

OK. I have trunk checked out and building. I'll starting looking at
POOL-86, POOL-97, POOL-93 & POOL-108 in terms of reviewing what is there
and developing patches where there are gaps. I'll need to get my head
around the pool code so I might be quiet for a couple of days.

I'll add JIRA comments when I have something useful to say.


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