On Thu, Jul 18, 2019 at 5:21 PM Botond Ballo <bba...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> I'm not technically allowed to talk about the discussions that have
> taken place so far this week (and in any case nothing is final until
> the plenary votes on Saturday), but please do check /r/cpp on Saturday
> and have a look at the collaborative trip report that's usually
> released very soon after plenary ends. My strong suspicion is that one
> way or another, your fears will be allayed.

So, as described in the mentioned trip report [1], Contracts has been
pulled from C++20 and is now targeting C++23.

While the C++23 design is very much open at this stage, I have high
confidence that it will include a mechanism to make contracts have no
effect when not checked, like you want.


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