
I'm revisiting the topic of --enable-shared-js for Gecko builds for
different reasons than the one that started this thread.

On Mon, Sep 24, 2018 at 08:24:43AM -0400, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
> My use case for it is to be able to use the "exclude samples from library X"
> or "collapse library X" tools in profilers (like Instruments) to more easily
> break down profiles into "page JS" and "Gecko things".
> That said, I haven't done that very much recently...

And my guess nobody has done that since, nor for a while, because the
way an attempt to build with --enable-shared-js fails leaves me thinking
this has been broken at least since bug 1436179 landed... a year ago.

Considering this has apparently been broken for so long, I guess nobody
will object to me removing the option for Gecko builds?

On Tue, Oct 02, 2018 at 09:29:51AM -0500, Luke Wagner wrote:
> (Sorry, I polled #jsapi about this issue back when you first posted and
> then forgot to reply with the response.)
> It doesn't seem like any SM devs use --enable-shared-js for their own
> development but we do know that various embedders (e.g. GNOME) use the JS
> shared library and so we'd like to keep that configuration tested and
> working.  One hybrid option is thus:
>  - drop support for building Gecko with --enable-shared-js (avoiding the
> symbol conflict issue), but keep --enable-shared-js as a configure option
> for JS shell builds
>  - have at least one tier-1 --enable-shared-js JS shell build on automation
> so that we at least keep it working

It's worth noting that --enable-shared-js is already the default when
building spidermonkey standalone.

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