On Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 04:12:06PM +0200, Henri Sivonen wrote:
On Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 3:16 PM, Andrea Marchesini
This is why we had this issue. It should not be impossible for a 'standard'
webextension to generate such mess.

How many Mozilla-signed special extensions are there? Does an analog
of https://dxr.mozilla.org/addons/ exist for searching their code? Is
there a CI system testing that the continue to work?

The situation is pretty bad at this point. Ideally, all XPCOM add-ons that we support should run tests in treeherder on checkin, both for add-on changes and m-c changes. But as of now, most system add-ons, Test Pilot add-ons, and SHIELD studies are hosted on Github and do their own ad-hoc testing, mostly using Node-ish testing frameworks.

There's also no standard place to host or index all of this add-on code, or even to get a list of what such add-ons exist. At one point, I asked for all SHIELD add-ons to at least be hosted in the same Github organization. The same should probably go for all other Mozilla-signed add-ons. That would at least give us a single place to find any XPCOM add-on code that we still support.

In the mean time, though, as far as I'm concerned, the maintainers of those add-ons are responsible for dealing with breakage that results from not having in-tree tests and a standard place to search that code. If you're removing legacy XPCOM functionality, all you should need to care about is whether treeherder is green.
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