On Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 6:12 AM, Henri Sivonen <hsivo...@hsivonen.fi> wrote:

> How many Mozilla-signed special extensions are there? Does an analog
> of https://dxr.mozilla.org/addons/ exist for searching their code?

Unfortunately there is not an index of them.  andym could provide a
complete list but off the top of my head there are two big categories
(shield and test pilot) plus a handful of one-off things including
containers, cliqz, and maybe devtools?  Then there are system addons, but
at least the distributed versions of those should be tested in automation.

> Is
> there a CI system testing that the continue to work?

No and this is something I've tried to impress upon people working out of
tree.  Cliqz has already been bitten by this and we had a previous row on
this mailing list about CI for devtools when it moves out of tree.  This
remains an unsolved problem.  The long-term (medium-term?) goal is just to
get these things all off of using bootstrapped extensions.

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