>On Monday, July 10, 2017 at 3:28:07 PM UTC+12, Randell Jesup wrote:
>I added these stats originally, and they are now mostly superseded by the
>stats provided by VideoPlaybackQuality. So I support their removal (in fact
>I suggested to Tim that he remove them).
>Adding telemetry to learn how often these stats are used in the wild seems
>like a good idea. I'd be surprised if these are still used, but I'm happy
>to be proved wrong!

I know various webrtc app developers have asked about how to determine
if video elements are showing frames, which they've used as "is video
still flowing" indicators, among other things.  We can try to find
alternative ways to get them what they need; our tests for example use
it to know when to sample the image to see if media is successfully
flowing end-to-end, and to know when to sample with a canvas to see if
the "right" color is there (IIRC)

>Randall: doesn't VideoPlaybackQuality support the use cases you're concerned 

If VideoPlaybackQuality is supported for srcObject streams, and
totalVideoFrames works (frames as received from the MediaStream by the
video element), then it can substitute.  The other fields in the
VideoPlaybackQuality object are likely much harder to hook up (or
define) for WebRTC or MediaStream/srcObject inputs in general - it would
imply additional streams of metadata flowing independently of the actual
frames (i.e. droppedFrames would need to be updated even though no frame
was sent down the stream from the PeerConnection.)

And there are other sources of MediaStreams, in particular
mediaelement.captureStream() and canvas.captureStream(); someone needs
to define how those interact with srcObject and VideoPlaybackQuality
(and fun cases like PeerConnection -> MediaStream -> MediaElement ->
canvas (webGL, etc) -> captureStream -> MediaElement)

I presume no one working on VideoPlaybackQuality was thinking about
non-streaming sources for video when they defined it.

Randell Jesup, Mozilla Corp
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