On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 4:48 PM, Ehsan Akhgari <ehsan.akhg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Originally it seemed that you are working under the assumption that most
> sites are overriding our default newline handling behavior.  This is
> very easy to measure through telemetry by adding a probe for example
> that looks when an HTML editor object is destroyed whether the
> defaultParagraphSeparator command was used to override our default
> behavior, you can send a value of 0 for the false case and a value of 1
> for the true case and we can get a percentage of pages where this
> override actually happens on based on this data.

I think I wasn't clear.  By "overriding" I meant that when the user
presses Enter, they intercept the keystroke and modify the DOM
themselves, and the editor code is never invoked.  I didn't mean that
the sites alter defaultParagraphSeparator.  So we could add a probe
that detects when the editor's Enter-handling code is run at all.

>> If it's not so low, however, we'd need
>> to look at the actual sites to see if they break.  Can we do that
>> somehow through telemetry, or is it a privacy problem?
> Detecting the actual breakage that can happen is much more difficult in
> code because you would need to first define what the breakage would
> result in to try to detect it in code which is extremely difficult in
> this case.

If we had a list of top sites that used our Enter-handling code, we
could test them manually.  (But such testing would be unlikely to be

> Getting the kind of data I'm suggesting above _now_ that the patch is
> landed seems rather pointless.  There seems to be a lot of disagreement
> on the degree of the risk involved in this change in the first place,
> and until we agree on the level of risk arguing about the details like
> this may be pointless.

It's not pointless if we pref it only to Aurora, and leave it there
until we have more data.

> At the end of the day, this is Masayuki's call.  I certainly understand
> that in the past with changes like this we've had a lot of difficulty
> detecting regressions before the patches have hit the release channel,
> so I'm not sure how much keeping the patch on pre-release channels would
> really help.  :-(  But to me it seems like the kind of thing that we'd
> want to be able to quickly turn off on the release channel through
> shipping a hotfix add-on that sets a pref if something goes wrong...

FWIW, changing the default back to <br> is a one-line change already.

> Perhaps I'm missing something about the nature of what changed here.
> How is this seldom used?  Am I misunderstanding that the change happened
> was how *Gecko* reacts to the user pressing Enter by default in a
> contenteditable section?  It's true that some editing widgets override
> this behavior somehow, but I'd be really shocked if that's true 100% of
> the time, so I don't understand how you argue this is a seldom used
> feature...

Yes, I do mean that AFAIK high-profile editing frameworks do override
this kind of behavior.  Johannes Wilm seems to be the founder of the
"Fidus Writer" editor project, and when I asked "Do editors all
override hitting Return, Backspace, etc.?" he said "Those involve
taking apart and merging paragraphs, so I cannot really imagine how
one would create an editor without doing that. At the very least one
will need to monitor what the browser does and then adjust if needed."
 <https://github.com/w3c/editing/pull/146#issuecomment-242434100>  The
second sentence is what we have to worry about, though.

One thing I know for sure is, when I looked into it several years ago,
execCommand() usage among high-profile editors seemed to be
nonexistent.  Once you're writing all the code yourself to handle
styling and block formatting and so on, overriding the behavior for
hitting Enter is a no-brainer.

It wouldn't be hard to test whether various sites use our built-in
linebreak behavior when the user hits Enter.  Just put a printf in the
relevant function and see if it gets hit.  Maybe I'll do that.

> I guess I'm personally coming from the perspective of having bitten by
> regressing various things about the editor behavior too many times in
> the past, and every time it happened, we could make an argument about
> how it's extremely unlikely to happen beforehand.  :-)

Yes, on reconsideration, I expect some fallout.  Phasing this in more
cautiously seems like a good idea to me.  I think it might be best to
just leave it in Aurora and Beta for longer than usual before
promoting it.
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