On Mon, Apr 3, 2017 at 11:39 PM, Benjamin Smedberg
<benja...@smedbergs.us> wrote:
> I'd like to encourage you to set up a test plan for this. My impression of 
> the risk profile of this work is that we could easily break some really 
> important use-cases, and it's likely that sites customize for gecko behavior 
> and rely on it, either accidentally or on purpose. This is definitely the 
> kind of thing that would be worth rolling out carefully and perhaps slowly. 
> Will this behavior be behind a pref which is easy to flip, test, and roll out?

As implemented, it is not behind a pref.  Masayuki didn't request a
gradual rollout, so I pushed to inbound already.  I suspect it will
not actually break anything, because sites that use the editor
normally avoid browser compatibility issues here by completely
overriding the newline behavior, so they will be unaffected.  If any
sites actually do break from this, I would be very interested to have
the data that people are really using our default newline behavior!

I'd like to know what Ehsan and Masayuki think about the likely compat
impact here.
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