Le mercredi 15 mars 2017 02:24:57 UTC+1, qiana...@gmail.com a écrit :
> Am Mittwoch, 15. März 2017 00:11:24 UTC+1 schrieb gfra...@gmail.com:
> > So this is were this idea started!
> > Great job guys, well, at least firefox is now unusable on Puppy Linux and 
> > low profile OSS.
> yes, indeed: :(
> - A developer who don't like work much on ALSA and chose the easy way!
> (Hey, you are working for one of the famoust browsers in the world! You have 
> no ressources for this???)
> - the decision to make a 5.1, DRM, AmazonPrime, commercial video on 
> demand-multimediacenter compatible Multimediacenter as a browser
> - not recognizing how much Linux-Distros, projects and users prefer ALSA 
> without Pulseaudio for several reasoons!
> - ignoring that ALSA is the soundbase in every Linux since more than 10y
> and PA is just a sound-server!
> - not informing the community to have this design-break early, so that they 
> can decide and react and don't have distros/systems with broken sound with 
> one ff-update in browser and a lot of work too!
> - basing on telemetry that is sayin`nothing!!!
> most users i know don't use telemetry in their browsers!
> Pure-ALSA-users are knowing as people who love FREEDOM much! ;-)
> And at the end some devs that explain that they are not uptodate with 
> Linux-Sound-base!???
> Hey c'mon: this is really how you decided this?
> i can't believe.
> Rollback to ALSA as the only main soundriver and soundsystem in Linux, maybe 
> make Jack optional running too (it has a lot of potential) and maybe support 
> pulseaudio too - but please let the people choose!!!
> I read in your group here that it was implemented before, that firefox DONT 
> require PA as a hard dependency and that ff was using ALSA if PA was not 
> found on system!
> THIS could be the best SOULution with your next build of FF!
> And a big note in www that you support ALSA again!
> It's no option to say that the people can recompile their alsa-based ff by 
> theirself! I tried this one night with Linux Mint 17.3 and gcc 4.9 - but it 
> was a mess! A lot of people are running away from ff now after years.
> It happens right now!
> maybe this are some hundreds or thousands - but hey: it does matter how you 
> treat your users!
> So all i want is constractive and to motivate you:
> Please be patient!
> it's no fun for many people to have breaking sound with Linux Firefox, 
> because of an  update and without a note before.
> Respect this please.
> If you need more people working on ALSA with Firefox - get them on board!
> You are Mozilla!
> And hey: Where is the problem? firefox was building with ALSA for many years 
> and it don't has to be so much work to implement 5.1 and fullduplex (use dmix 
> or other options!) and keep it rolling.
> If you want to see Firefox 52 working on our little A/V-Distro - that is 
> stable and just released in January and basing on Ubuntu 14.04, Linux Mint 
> 17.3 and KXStudio - as a typical scene what happens on a typical ALSA-based 
> Linux system that prefers to have FF as the default browser!
> http://mayastudio.tumblr.com/64bit
> http://qianastudio.tumblr.com
> That we now have to rebuild again with maybe another browser is just one 
> example for what can happen, if you don't communicate breaks like this with 
> the Linux Community.
> So i hope you will find a way and thinking about the fact, that there are 
> many advanced Linux-users outside (without telemetry) that prefers ALSA 
> without PA and that they love Firefox (too).
> Maybe the (sometimes harsh) feedback from your bugzilla will open your eyes!? 
> ;-) https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1345661
> It's emotional. This is a fact (too).
> but a problem to solve also...
> If you just keep on stopping supporting ALSA than it has to be so.
> There are alternative browsers. 
> But i can't understand: BECAUSE Pulseaudio is setting upon ALSA and works NOT 
> without ALSA! So ALSA is the (kernel-)sounddriver in every Linux-System and 
> Pulseaudio just a server as a routing-backend!
> If the soundcard is not configured right and recognized by kernel and it's 
> modules- than the soundcard DONT works with PA too!
> So you just have to arrange with ALSA and maybe it helps you, if you contact 
> some devs there!??:
> Maybe they could help you same way like PA-devs do!??
> I don't know - but it could be an option!#
> best regards,
> chalee, Phil and kAte
> http://alsa.opensrc.org/

Could not agree more. I WONT use pulseaudio. So if firefox will, I wont use it, 
despite all its qualities.

Open your eyes. Don't let me use Chromium.

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