On Saturday, July 9, 2016 at 12:57:31 PM UTC+10, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
> On 7/8/16 7:25 PM, Gerald Squelart wrote:
> > The annotate (aka blame) functionality of hg.mozilla.org can point at one 
> > line
> Yes, I know.  What it can't do is highlight some set of lines containing 
> more than one line.  Think things like:
>    http://mxr.mozilla.org/whatever-file?mark=10-20,17,25#8
> which highlights lines 10-20, 17, and 25, and scrolls to line 8.  This 
> is very useful when pointing people at code.
> -Boris

Ooh, didn't know about that one, nifty!
It would be great to get it into hgweb (as you mention in your reply to Eric).

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