The problem is that if you're on a bmo page with these "perma"links,
really the ideal case is that they are indeed permalinks and continue to
work, especially where they point to specific lines in specific
revisions. The interstitial just makes it harder for people to get to
that info. A 404 on a working DXR, if the file has really disappeared or
something, is still better than the 'hard hat' page from which the path
to the data you want is much longer.
In case this is useful for folks: I wrote a webextension that rewrites
these links and that obeys the "rev" and "mark" query params from MXR
links and rewrites them to the equivalent DXR URL syntax: .
~ Gijs
On 08/07/2016 20:27, Lawrence Mandel wrote:
We do in the case of 3rd party software referencing files from MXR
(and I'm told there is a lot of this). We also can't guarantee that
MXR URLs will direct to the right place in DXR. There is likely a
balance to be struck here with highly referenced files from 3rd party
software getting an interstitial page and other files not getting the
page. Let's start with getting the page with the redirect in place and
then iterate from there as required.
On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 3:24 PM, Bobby Holley <
<>> wrote:
Can we skip the interstitial page and make the notice (if any)
more unobtrusive somehow? There are tons of mxr links all over the
place, and many of them are immutable. We don't gain anything by
informing the viewer about their obsolescence instead of showing
them the content they want.
On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 12:20 PM, Lawrence Mandel
< <>> wrote:
dev-platform was not included on my response below. Looping
back in to this
fork of the thread.
On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 10:55 AM, Lawrence Mandel
< <>>
> Sorry Dao. I have seen some responses. Maybe they were off
list. We're
> working on details now. I'm going to get someone to put the
redirects in
> place, likely with an interstitial page advising that MXR
has been
> decommissioned, by next week.
> Lawrence
> On Friday, 8 July 2016, Dão Gottwald <
<>> wrote:
>> Why has nobody responded to the requests for a short-term
fix for MXR
>> URLs for more than a week? Are the people responsible for
MXR not in this
>> list?
>> 2016-07-07 18:23 GMT+02:00 Eric Shepherd
< <>>:
>>> We have tons of mxr links all through MDN, fwiw. I am
updating the
>>> macros that generate them, but odds are very good these
links will be
>>> around for a good while.
>>> That would be perfectly fine for my purposes, I expect, as
long as it
>>> dealt with the relevant mxr features. What I want is for
links to possibly
>>> specific lines of possibly specific revisions of specific
files to work.
>>> Ideally with the highlighting bits too.
>>> --
>>> Eric Shepherd
>>> Senior Technical Writer
>>> Mozilla Developer Network <>
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