I think that the ADI data comes from the blocklist ping which includes OS
version (possibly Windows service pack as well).


On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 7:02 AM, Ted Mielczarek <t...@mielczarek.org> wrote:

> On Tue, May 24, 2016, at 04:58 PM, Lawrence Mandel wrote:
> > "Improve ranking of crash clusters."
> >
> > I think this is weighting or estimating impact of a crash instead of
> > volume
> > of submissions, which is how we have historically processed the clusters.
> > Severity is one component with startup crashes being worse than content
> > crashes being worse than shutdown crashes. (Need to figure out weighting
> > of
> > gfx and other buckets of crashes.) Potential impacted population is
> > another
> > and we have data on the differences in population size on Beta vs Release
> > for dimensions like OS version, gfx hardware, and gfx driver to make use
> > of
> > for the weighting.
> We currently use ADI data (I don't know where it comes from) to generate
> the chart on the front page of crash-stats.mozilla.com, which is
> "Crashes per 100 Active Daily Installs", which attempts to present an
> overview of how crashy the various release channels are, normalized to
> their usage.
> Presumably we could pull more data from Telemetry to get population
> estimates for more specific things, like "number of users running
> release version X on Windows XP". That would certainly be useful input
> for our reporting, where Windows crashes tend to overwhelm everything
> else just by volume.
> -Ted
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