On Tue, May 24, 2016, at 04:58 PM, Lawrence Mandel wrote:
> "Improve ranking of crash clusters."
> I think this is weighting or estimating impact of a crash instead of
> volume
> of submissions, which is how we have historically processed the clusters.
> Severity is one component with startup crashes being worse than content
> crashes being worse than shutdown crashes. (Need to figure out weighting
> of
> gfx and other buckets of crashes.) Potential impacted population is
> another
> and we have data on the differences in population size on Beta vs Release
> for dimensions like OS version, gfx hardware, and gfx driver to make use
> of
> for the weighting.

We currently use ADI data (I don't know where it comes from) to generate
the chart on the front page of crash-stats.mozilla.com, which is
"Crashes per 100 Active Daily Installs", which attempts to present an
overview of how crashy the various release channels are, normalized to
their usage.

Presumably we could pull more data from Telemetry to get population
estimates for more specific things, like "number of users running
release version X on Windows XP". That would certainly be useful input
for our reporting, where Windows crashes tend to overwhelm everything
else just by volume.

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