> > "Improve reproducibility of these crashes.
> >
> > Use rr to record crashes so they can be played back reliably."
> >
> > We're going to spin up a project to work on debugging in automation.
> We've
> > talked about having the ability to run a test until it fails and pause at
> > that point. I think that would be very helpful for this case.
> Is this something that would happen for normal test jobs? Would there
> be a way to attach a debugger to the paused job? Is it aimed at
> reducing intermittent test failures?
> It sounds interesting but how it works it a bit unclear to me from
> your short description :)

The aim is to make it much easier to handle intermittent test failures.
Crashes may be possible as well.

The project is not yet well defined. Jonathan Griffin is working on this
with his team with the intention of getting started in Q3.

One option that we've discussed is to select a test or suite to run in
debug mode (with a debugger attached). We can then rerun the test in
automation until it fails, pause with the debugger attached at that point,
and notify a dev that there is a machine waiting for him in this state.

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