> On May 3, 2016, at 15:18, Adam Roach <a...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> On 5/3/16 4:59 PM, Justin Dolske wrote:
>> On 5/3/16 12:21 PM, Gregory Szorc wrote:
>>> * The update server has been reconfigured to not serve Nightly updates to
>>> 10.6-10.8 (bug 1269811)
>> Are we going to be showing some kind of notice to affected users upon 
>> Release? That is, if I'm a 10.6 user and I update to Firefox 48, at some 
>> point should I see a message saying I'll no longer receive future updates?
> Even better, is there any way to get the update system to automatically move 
> such users over to 45ESR?

I agree. At least users should get updated to the latest version in their 
channel. If not automatically or getting pointed to manually switch to the 
latest secure release for their version/channel.

Right now I started a Nightly 40 on 10.6.8 and it simply refused to do any 
update at all. That is less then ideal I would say.

Best regards
  Nils Ohlmeier

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