On 21/09/2015 19:31, Eric Shepherd wrote:
Jonas Sicking wrote:
Note that this, similarly to clipboard integration, is already exposed
to the web through flash. So the main goal of this feature is to
enable developers to migrate off of flash and instead use Gecko.

That said, if there are ways we can improve the UI here to further
explain to users what is going on, then that sounds good to me.
My concern with shipping this would be that it seems very far removed
from being a proper proposed spec at this point. Seems to just be an
unofficial draft. Shouldn't it spend more time preffed off to give
developers more time to offer feedback? It's only been a few weeks since
this was first brought up, and we've not exactly made it broadly known
that it could use some trying-out.

Fair points. Note than 44 doesn't ride the trains for another 6 weeks.

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