Note that this, similarly to clipboard integration, is already exposed
to the web through flash. So the main goal of this feature is to
enable developers to migrate off of flash and instead use Gecko.

That said, if there are ways we can improve the UI here to further
explain to users what is going on, then that sounds good to me.

/ Jonas

On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 8:49 AM, Eric Rescorla <> wrote:
> This seems like a fantastically dangerous feature and ripe for abuse.
> Are we doing anything in the UI to make very clear to users what's going on?
> Is there going to be a way to disable it?
> -Ekr
> On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 8:37 AM, Jonathan Watt <> wrote:
>> Targeting Firefox 44 we intend to ship[1] Directory Upload[2], which
>> provides directory picking (via <input type=file directory>) and directory
>> drag-and-drop. Our implementation has been developed behind the
>> `dom.input.dirpicker` preference, enabled only in Nightly builds so far.
>> In addition to previously announcing our intent to implement[3], Directory
>> Upload has also been publicized to public-wicg[4], public-webapps[5], and
>> via my blog[6]. There has been very little formal
>> feedback other than a suggestion to also support Directory integration with
>> FormData (that would be a good and obvious enhancement) and some
>> questioning of whether I/O blocking is really an issue (it can be).
>> Informal feedback has been along the lines of "seems good to me". Further
>> feedback continues to be welcome of course.
>> Our informal understanding is that MS will not ship an implementation in
>> Edge until at least the new year.
>> -Jonathan
>> 1.
>> 2.
>> 3.
>> 4.
>> 5.
>> 6.
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