On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 12:13 PM, Ms2ger <ms2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On 09/10/2015 06:36 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
> > If I am the only one that wants to put in a formal objection here,
> > then I'll let it go and go with whatever everyone else think we
> > should do.
> >
> FWIW, I agree with Jonas that this is a terrible idea. (Even if we're
> the only Member raising a formal objection,

I understand why it's not great, however, could you follow-up with specific
reasons why it's "terrible"?

I disagree with the characterization as "terrible", and think a formal
objection based on vague fears at this point would be chicken-littling.

OTOH, I think there are plenty of specific reasons why the past problems
from HTMLWG are unlikely to manifest in the Web Platform WG, and I outlined
those in my previous response in this thread.

If you think my analyses in the reasons given are incorrect, I'm happy to
be corrected.

However I *do* think we should comment something like:

Problems experienced in the HTMLWG may hamper the productivity of the new
WG, and we suggest the chairs pay attention to, and swiftly respond to any
similar misbehaviors they see in the new WG.

Having such a comment on the record itself will help provide impetus to the
chairs to respond swiftly if necessary.

> I suspect Mike(TM) Smith would be happy to amplify the message

I'm fairly certain Mike(tm) Smith would agree with the reasons I gave for
why Web Platform WG is unlikely to have the same problems, based on private
feedback I've received. I'm sure Mike can speak for himself if he strongly
(dis)agrees one way or the other.

OTOH, maybe we should just move the remaining useful specs in WebApps
> to WHATWG; that'd solve the issue once and for all.

>From what I can tell, the way the Web Apps group operates, editors of
existing specs have quite a bit of leeway to work in whatever fora they
find the most productive.

If there's specific downsides you've experienced with Web Apps WG, that's
probably worth raising as comments on the charter, in the hopes that they
get addressed, or at least as good heads-up signaling before deciding to
take any particular spec you're working on elsewhere.


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