On Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 2:33 AM, Tantek Çelik <tan...@cs.stanford.edu> wrote:
> From everything I've seen, I don't expect much work around HTML beyond
> taking/merging bugfixes. I'm hoping with the new license that if W3C makes
> its own bugfixes that we find a way of propagating those bugfixes to WHATWG
> HTML as well.

FWIW, https://github.com/whatwg/html is under active development. It
took a while to switch from subversion to git, but we're going through
the backlog now and will also be adding new features. HTML being done
seems as a bogus assertion now as it was in January 2000 when XHTML
1.0 came out.

Also, I don't think the new license helps much since it's not compatible.

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