
Over the past year, I have converted a few directories (xpcom/,
docshell/, embedding/) to Gecko style using a patched Clang-Format and
a few other tools.

On 17 June 2015 at 18:57, Gregory Szorc <g...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> First thing is first: what are the blockers to mass rewriting
> mozilla-central with clang-format's output?

Here are a few diffs after running Clang-Format on a few recently
Gecko style-ified directories:

With my patched Clang-Format: https://gist.github.com/poiru/d10dfa978f351f20e975
With upstream Clang-Format: https://gist.github.com/poiru/c7d1aaf9e83bb653dc37

The patched Clang-Format produces reasonably good output, although
there are still a couple of blockers (e.g. BEGIN/END macro indentation
and class base clause indentation). If we want to seriously do this
(and I'm all for it), I can work on getting those blockers fixed and
upstreaming my patches.

Note that Clang-Format will still produce changes that are not
strictly necessary, but that is mostly a one-time cost and something
we should just live with anyway. Automatic formatting is worth it.

On 17 June 2015 at 10:07, Gregory Szorc <g...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> If so, perhaps we can find time in Whistler next week to
> better integrate clang-format into the development workflow. I'd be more
> than happy to help.

+1 for talking about this in Whistler.

I actually think the workflow integration is a more important issue at
our scale. If developers are to use Clang-Format, we need to ensure
that they all use the same version (as different versions may produce
slightly different output) and that they all remember to run it for
each commit. I introduced Clang-Format at my last workplace and even
with a small team we bumped into both of those issues frequently.

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