On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 06:57:04PM -0700, Gregory Szorc wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 6:29 PM, Robert O'Callahan <rob...@ocallahan.org>
> wrote:
> > As an experiment, we declared the coding style of rr to be "whatever
> > clang-format produces with rr's .clang-format file" (which was tweaked to
> > resemble Mozilla style, including an 80-char line limit). Overall I've been
> > very happy with the results. Sometimes you get suboptimal linebreaking
> > decisions, but that's small potatoes compared to the joy of not having to
> > think about code formatting when you're reading or writing code. I'd be all
> > for doing something similar in Gecko.
> >
> +1
> Assessing style compliance as == clang-format(whole file) is by far the
> easiest to implement. I'd be in favor of a flag day (or set of mini flag
> days) where we mass rewrite the tree with clang-format's output.
> As far as keeping things in compliance, I'm not opposed to running
> clang-format on hg.mozilla.org as part of a push hook - I think it is fast
> enough that it won't introduce too much latency. If that doesn't work,
> Autoland could run clang-format automatically as part of landing commits.
> Mercurial now has support for server-side rebasing/rewriting during push
> operations. As of this week, this is deployed on hg.mozilla.org.
> Essentially you push up commits, the server changes them, and the rewritten
> commits are pushed back to the client. One can imagine a world where
> clang-format and similar functionality occur at push time. We could e.g.
> have the MozReview repository auto format code as you submit it. Of course,
> if we go all in on formatting tools, developers should have this integrated
> into their local workflows so we don't need server-side assistance (it's
> possible to reprogram the "save" action in many editors). But not everyone
> will do this, so I reckon we need defense in depth.
> First thing is first: what are the blockers to mass rewriting
> mozilla-central with clang-format's output?

There are only two real blockers:
- Coming up with the right clang-format config matching our coding
  style. IIRC, there /are/ a couple things that clang-format can't do
  currently, even with a very specific config. Ideally, clang-format's
  bundled Mozilla style should also be updated to match that config
  (because it's kind of silly to have a clang-format config that starts
  with "BasedOnStyle: Mozilla" and has 42 tweaks).
- Identifying third-party directories that should be left untouched, and
  that's not really hard.

It might be useful to have a helper script to help with rewriting
patches, because complex cases look like:
- apply patch on changeset before flag day
- backup patched files
- update tree to flag day changeset
- restore patched files
- apply clang-format
- update patch.

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