On 2015年05月01日 06:30, Seth Fowler wrote:
>> On Apr 30, 2015, at 12:09 PM, Joshua Cranmer 🐧 <pidgeo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> do_QueryInterface is the equivalent of a type-checked downcast, e.g. 
>> (ClassName)foo in Java.  (Regular C++ downcasts are not dynamically 
>> type-checked).
> do_QueryInterface is, in other words, essentially equivalent to dynamic_cast 
> in C++, except that because it’s implemented manually people can do strange 
> things if they want to. They almost never do, though, so dynamic_cast is a 
> pretty good mental model.
> - Seth

Quoting Joshua,
>> if you have A *x = new B, the static type of x is A whereas the dynamic type 
>> is B). 

do_QueryInterface() handles the XPCOM interface issues, though.
I need to investigate a little more about how similar class/type objects can
the difference between
the set of XPCOM interfaces supported by A and the set of interfaes
supported by B.

I think my main question after the knowledge gained would be:
Does inheritance of class inherits the XPCOM interfaces supported by the
base class automatically?
[Come to think of it, no I don't thinkso. XPCOM is an artificial framework
tacked on C++. Or XPCOM interface in C++ is written in such a manner that
they are automatically inherited?]
Or do we have to manually and explicitly state that
a set of interfaces are inherited (and of course, implemented, too)?
Or considering the implementation issue, may the answer not be quite crystal
clear (???)


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