On 4/30/15 2:25 PM, ISHIKAWA, Chiaki wrote:
> Is this to be expected?

Sure.  You're taking an _output_ stream and QIing it to

It might happen that some objects implement both interfaces (and looks
like nsMsgFileStream  does).  The object returned by
NS_BufferOutputStream does not: it's an output stream, but not an input

I recommend keeping track of both the input _and_ output stream in
members, and buffering only the output, or buffering them separately, as
you prefer.

> I read a page about do_QueryInterface() but it does not
> explain the principle very much.

It's simple:  You pass the object a 128-bit IID, it returns a pointer to
something that implements that interface if that's an IID it implements,
and null otherwise.

>   X = do_QeuryInterface(Y) is possible only when X is the direct or
> indirect  descendant of Y?

No, that has nothing to do with it.  It's all about what the object
claims to implement.

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