On 4/30/2015 1:25 PM, ISHIKAWA, Chiaki wrote:
*   787       nsCOMPtr <nsIInputStream> inboxInputStream =
     788       rv = MsgReopenFileStream(m_tmpDownloadFile, inboxInputStream);

Before, as in the current release, m_outFileStream is not buffered.
And the code on line 787 produces non-null inboxInputStream.

However, once m_outFileStream is turned into a buffered output stream
using, say,

   m_outFileStream = NS_BufferOutputStream(m_outFileStream, 64 * 1024 );

the code on line 787 produces nullptr.

Is this to be expected?

In short, yes. What happens is that the original m_outFileStream happens to be of type nsFileStreams (or something like that), which inherits from both nsIInputStream and nsIOutputStream. When you wrap that in a buffered output stream, the resulting type of m_outFileStream is of nsBufferedOutputStream, which does not inherit nsIInputStream; therefore the cast to nsIInputStream fails.

Up until now, I thought of do_QueryInterface() as mere sugar-coating for
certain type-mutation or something. But I now know I am wrong.

do_QueryInterface is the equivalent of a type-checked downcast, e.g. (ClassName)foo in Java. (Regular C++ downcasts are not dynamically type-checked).

I read a page about do_QueryInterface() but it does not
explain the principle very much.

Is the reason of failure something like as follows.
I am using a very general class hierarchy.

      A   base class
  B       C     B and C are derived from base class A
             D     D is derived further from Class D.

Let's say Class B and C are derived from Class A.
Class D is further derived from Class C.
Let us assume there are corresponding XPCOM class/object A', B', C', D'.

By using do_QueryInterface() on objects,
     we can follow the path of  direct "derives" relation
          B' <= do_QueryInterface (A') (or is it the other way round?)

     and maybe between B' and C' (? Not sure about this.)

     but we can NOT follow the direction of
       B' <= do_QueryInterface (D')
     That is
        X = do_QeuryInterface(Y) is possible only when X is the direct or
indirect  descendant of Y?

No, you are incorrect. The issue is the dynamic type of the object (if you have A *x = new B, the static type of x is A whereas the dynamic type is B). In the pre-modified code, the dynamic type of m_outFileStream supported the interface in question, but your modification changed the dynamic type to one that did not support the interface.

Joshua Cranmer
Thunderbird and DXR developer
Source code archæologist

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