I have started to work on removing support for non-unified builds over in
bug 1121000.x

On Thu, Nov 27, 2014 at 8:12 PM, Mike Hommey <m...@glandium.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> A year ago, when unified compilation was introduced to speed up builds,
> a couple issues were raised and we conservatively restricted them out
> of aurora/beta/release/esr.
> A year later, it's time to revisit this decision, and since afaik we
> haven't had problems specific to unified compilation on nightlies,
> including for crash reports, we can assume the issues are either gone
> or didn't exist in the first place (one problem that comes to mind is
> bug 943695, and it probably isn't a problem in practice, although weird)
> I know a lot of people have burned non-unified builds now and then.
> That's an annoyance and a distraction for getting things done. If
> unified compilation rides up to beta and we don't see significant
> problems, I think we can disable all periodic non-unified builds
> and make the few builds that are always non-unified unified again (a few
> debug builds are this way).
> The downside from doing so, though, is that non-unified build *will*
> be broken, and code "purity" (right includes in the right sources,
> mostly) won't be ensured. Do you think this is important enough to keep
> non-unified builds around?
> Mike
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