Le mercredi 15 octobre 2014 10:18:19 UTC+2, Bobby Holley a écrit :

> I agree that the current state of affairs sucks for XUL embedders, and you
> have our sympathy. But if we translate that sympathy into strategy, we will
> lose much bigger battles.

I have the feeling "sucks" is a bit far from reality... This is going
to kill long-time partners of Mozilla w/o even trying to discuss with
them the situation, the possibilities, the alternatives, the ETA,
the transition plan. Ahem, to say the least.

> Firefox is much bigger than BlueGriffon, and is still mostly written in
> XUL. I'd suggest following the same strategy as the Firefox team - slowly
> transition to web technology, and file bugs when stuff doesn't work. If you
> want to go whole-hog and ride the technologies that Mozilla is investing
> in, I'd suggest creating an OpenWebApp that you can put in the Mozilla
> Marketplace. If you do that, you will find orders of magnitude more
> responsiveness and interest from Mozilla's side than you will as a
> XULRunner developer.

That will require an enormous investment that most embedders won't be
able to cope with.

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