Le mardi 14 octobre 2014 14:29:04 UTC+2, Boris Zbarsky a écrit :

> On 10/13/14, 11:28 PM, Yonggang Luo wrote:
> > If the XUL is truly dead, then mozilla community should consider to remove 
> > it totally from the codebase
> Working on it.  It's a big project.  ;)

Seriously ?!?

Guys, you understand there is an ecosystem - even if it is a small one - of 
companies relying on XUL for their businesses? BlueGriffon, Postbox and more 
rely on XUL and XULRunner. So I have two questions:

1. does Mozilla still care about us? I have endlessly tried to discuss the fate 
of XUL and XULRunner with a previous Mozilla CEO, Gary Kovacs. He _never_ 
accepted to have a chat about it. I have the feeling we are left outside alone 
in a « too bad for you » move and I find it depressing.

2. since it's out of question to rebuild something as big as the UI of 
BlueGriffon or Postbox in html (and that will imply rewriting most of the js 
around) for the time being, what do you suggest?

I would like to have a response from - or some direct interaction with - Chris 
Beard please. Putting XUL to rest would be a death knell on a critically-large 
part of my business - among others - and I think it deserves a bit more than a 
technical discussion or one-liners with a smiley. In short, it would kill my 
company. Long-time partners heavily relying on XUL deserve a bit more than the 
current ultralight information we have.


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