No, fx-team is not affected by this experiment; we intend to target mozilla-inbound only for this 1-week trial. The reason is that the number of commits on m-i seems larger than fx-team, and therefore the impacts should be more visible.


On 8/19/2014 3:19 PM, Matthew N. wrote:
On 8/19/14 12:22 PM, Jonathan Griffin wrote:
To assess the impact of doing this, we will be performing an experiment
the week of August 25, in which we will run debug tests on
mozilla-inbound on most desktop platforms every other run, instead of
every run as we do now.  Debug tests on linux64 will continue to run
every time.  Non-desktop platforms and trees other than mozilla-inbound
will not be affected.

To clarify, is fx-team affected by this change? I ask because you mention "desktop" and that is where the desktop front-end team does landings. I suspect fx-team landings are less likely to hit debug-only issues than mozilla-inbound as fx-team has much fewer C++ changes and anecdotally JS-only changes seem to trigger debug-only failures less often.

This approach is based on the premise that the number of debug-only
platform-specific failures on desktop is low enough to be manageable,
and that the extra burden this imposes on the sheriffs will be small
enough compared to the improvement in test slave metrics to justify the

FWIW, I think fx-team is more desktop-specific (although Android front-end stuff also lands there and I'm not familiar with that).

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