Am Samstag, 28. Juni 2014 14:45:38 UTC+2 schrieb David Rajchenbach-Teller:
> While we should and will reduce the total amount of I/O due to Session
> Restore, I must add that we have not attempted to compare it to the
> total amount of I/O due to cache access for instance. I would not be
> surprised if the cache caused several orders of magnitude more I/O than
> Session Restore, in which case our efforts on Session Restore would have
> little to no impact on the life-time of your device or on the battery usage.

OK, maybe ...
I think it is not a good idea to talk about the cache now, too.
But I think a reduce of I/O and fragmentation is everywhere good!
And I think, that when ss will be changed, it should be done right!
I also think, that we have an conformance that the ss is now a problem ...

What is about the fragmentation done by a lot of small files instead of 
updating a single, bigger file ???

About the reduce of I/O:
What about writing the ss at a max. of 1/1sec. and keep until that the changes 
just in mem ???
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