Am Samstag, 28. Juni 2014 14:25:35 UTC+2 schrieb Tim Taubert:
> Tobias Besemer wrote:
> > The amount of I/O is always a problem! E.g. for Notebooks in battery use.
> Yes, of course. That is a known problem and we're working on it by
> increasing the write interval when running on battery and working
> towards a journaled storage.
> As I said before, cleaning sessionstore data on write will not buy you
> much as we write a lot when Firefox is running. This is the problem
> we're tackling in the long run and band-aid fixes won't help here.

It is not just a question of battery!
Too much writing accesses also harms the life-time of HDs or SSDs!

I also asked before (on the bugs) about more informations to the "journaled 
storage" ...
If it is - like I think - a lot of small files, I don't like it!
A lot of small files wast a lot of un-used bytes on the storage and brings a 
big fragmentation to it! This significantly slows down a system!
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