> > This is at least in part due to bug 915735, you can go and read the bug to 
> > see that I did the best I could there, given the constraints that I had 
> > (not understanding how the magic of the interaction of ICU and our build 
> > system worked, not understanding which parts of ICU we actually want to 
> > use, the performance and code quality limitations of MSVC's PGO compiler, 
> > the fact that increasing the amount of time we allow our builds to progress 
> > is rocket science, etc.
> I don’t have numbers for this change specifically, but during my 
> investigation I found that on Mac statically linking ICU into libmozjs 
> reduced the binary size by almost 600KB, compared to building ICU as a 
> separate DLL.

 We should probably be able to make that difference smaller with a bit
 of work.  We "just" need to get ICU to build in a configuration where
 the library only exports what we need, of course it would be better to
 just not build what we don't need.

> On Apr 25, 2014, at 0:31 , Henri Sivonen <hsivo...@hsivonen.fi> wrote:
> > Therefore, it looks like we should turn off (if we haven't already):
> > * The ICU LayoutEngine.
> > * Ustdio
> > * ICU encoding converters and their mapping tables.
> > * ICU break iterators and their data.
> > * ICU transliterators and their data.
> All done, except for a few remaining encoding converters:
> > However, that flag is misdesigned in the sense that it considers
> > US-ASCII, ISO-8859-1, UTF-7, UTF-32, CESU-8, SCSU and BOCU-1 as
> > non-legacy, even though, frankly, those are legacy, too. (UTF-16 is
> > legacy also, but it's legacy we need, since both ICU and Gecko are
> > UTF-16 legacy code bases!)
> > http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/intl/icu/source/common/unicode/uconfig.h#267
> UTF-16 may be legacy from the point of view of encoding HTML pages, but 
> otherwise it’s an essential part of most of today’s computing environments – 
> and the alternative in many cases would be UTF-32. But at least four of the 
> above are clearly obsolete.

for talking to  win32 API sure, but win32 is a crazy beast, and we
aren't using ICU for that anyway.

> > Also, If the ICU build system is an configurable enough, I think we
> > should consider identifying what parts of ICU we can delete even
> > though the build system doesn't let us to and then automate the
> > deletion as a script so that it can be repeated with future imports of
> > ICU.
> That seems worth investigating, but getting the build system to strip out as 
> much as possible might be more effective – see the next item.

easier probably, better no think of the hundreds of people who are stuck
building it all the time.

> On Apr 25, 2014, at 8:12 , Trevor Saunders <trev.saund...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Well, it really depends how you approach the problem of finding code
> > thats dead.  One way is to decide code really should be dead by reading
> > it and knowing what it accomplishes doesn't matter.  Another is to
> > prove to your self that code is unreachable and so can be removed
> > without effecting anything.  Both of these require a pretty good bit of
> > knowledge and skill.  On the other hand the below question prompts
> > another approach.
> Is there a way to give the linker a list of functions that you want to have 
> as public entry points of a dynamically linked library, and have it strip out 
> everything that can’t be reached from these functions? That’s essentially 
> what happens when you statically link a library into another, and the list of 
> ICU functions that Mozilla code calls wouldn’t be excessively long. The bulk 
> of them can be found in this stubs section:
> http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/js/src/builtin/Intl.cpp#62

yes, though how hard they are to use with the ICU build system is left
as an exercise for the reader.


> On Apr 28, 2014, at 5:59 , Henri Sivonen <hsivo...@hsivonen.fi> wrote:
> > I haven't looked into Ustdio.
> That’s disabled by the --enable-icuio=no flag in
> http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/build/autoconf/icu.m4#213
> > However, I noticed that we aren't turning off ICU IDNA but we should:
> > https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1002435
> Thanks for finding and fixing this issue, as well as 1002437!
> On Apr 25, 2014, at 0:31 , Henri Sivonen <hsivo...@hsivonen.fi> wrote:
> > Using system ICU seems wrong in terms of correctness. That's the
> > reason why we don't use system ICU on Mac and desktop Linux, right?
> Correctness from the user’s point of view – quality of locale and time zone 
> data – is clearly an issue (conformance with the Ecma standard is not, as 
> Jeff pointed out). In addition, a system ICU isn’t always available to us: On 
> Mac, it’s not public API; on some Linux versions, it’s built with version 
> numbers baked into function names, which we can’t link against.
> On May 1, 2014, at 12:25 , Jeff Walden <jwalden+...@mit.edu> wrote:
> > On 04/28/2014 05:59 AM, Henri Sivonen wrote:
> >> Hopefully we didn't remove collation rules, since that's the part we
> >> are supposed to be using ICU for! :-)
> > 
> > I'm uncertain exactly what the terminology means necessarily for us, but 
> > intl/icu-patches/genrb-omitCollationRules.diff exists because a flag passed 
> > in the ICU build process to "omit collation rules" was broken in 52, and we 
> > had to fix it ourselves.  (Well, technically I wrote a patch-fix, submitted 
> > it upstream, then they rewrote it to be sane and I backported it to our 
> > tree.  :-) )  So we do omit collation-related data, that was claimed in the 
> > code and elsewhere to be "collation rules", that's not being used by us.
> A standard ICU build contains localized collation rules in both source and 
> compiled form. The source form is needed to support an ICU API that lets 
> applications tailor the rules to their specific needs. ECMA-402 doesn’t 
> provide such an API, and I don’t think Mozilla will need it, so we’re using 
> the build flag ??? to get rid of the source form. The Collator implementation 
> uses the compiled form.
> Norbert
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