On 2014-04-02, 8:45 PM, Joshua Cranmer 🐧 wrote:
On 4/2/2014 5:30 PM, Ehsan Akhgari wrote:
I have no reservations against making them member functions with a
clear name that do not return T/T*/etc. I was trying to not be super
inconsistent with std::atomic, but if you think that's ok, that's fine
by me.

std::atomic has the fetch_* methods on them. I'm actually surprised that
C++11 has global memory functions here, considering that they only
accept atomic<T>* in arguments and don't support T*.

Ah right, OK let's use member functions then!

I'm kind of regretting using the example of reference counts for this
discussion. I just wanted to give a real example of something that
actually happened and went unnoticed until it hit a user, but I think
it ultimately just muddied the waters here. None of what I've said is
restricted to reference counting. I don't dare predict what people are
going to do with the Atomic type, and I find assertions such as
"mostly limited to the first pattern" very hard to believe. The
underlying issue is that the syntax is hiding the atomicity semantics.
As long as you have that syntax around, any code that uses this type
is prone to this problem

My (admittedly limited) experience of atomics suggests that the cases
where it wouldn't be obvious from context that the variable in question
is atomic (and that the variable could be accidentally misused
atomically--mozilla::Atomic<bool> is rather hard to misuse) are
comparatively limited: I can't think of a situation outside of reference
counts where people could plausibly use an atomic without realizing it's
an atomic.

OK I don't know how to convince you on that if what has been said earlier in the thread is not convincing enough.

Using the clang plugin to detect this will make the problem
in places where the code is b2g/OSX/Windows specific.  We have a fair bit
of those.

The only reason the clang plugin isn't running on OS X is because I
don't use OS X and thus don't know how to make it work with clang there,
and no one else has offered to step in and add support. There's no
reason it couldn't be extended to work on Windows or B2G in the long run
(or even making other custom plugins for msvc/gcc), although that would
have the ancillary effect of making Clang builds effectively tier 1 there.

Sure, agreed on all of the above, but I'm still not sure if it's a good idea to move compile time checks which are expressible in C++ to a compiler plugin. (No question on the ones that are not, of course.)

Can you please help me understand why do you resist changing
mozilla::Atomic?  Is it just to hold on to the shorter syntax that these
operators give you?  It seems like you're OK with at least some degree of
incompatibility with <atomic>?

To me, it's a matter of reducing the usability and fundamental design to
bring about illusions of safety in what I contend is a corner case of
API usage.

I disagree that it's going to only give you an "illusion" of safety, as it clearly makes at least some unsafe code not compile. I can't see how one can claim the contrary.

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