On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 11:42 AM, Anthony Jones <ajo...@mozilla.com> wrote:
>> This tool is not going to be very helpful in a lot of modules until we
>> do style-rewriting. I'm not about to start taking piecemeal
>> 2-space-indented patches in XPConnect.
> When I said "style rewriting" I was referring to changing code not
> whitespace.

Indentation depth is an element of code style; indeed, it's one of the
most important ones because it affects most lines in a file.

One of my primary goals with starting this discussion was to reach
agreement that mass style fixes (e.g. covering entire files) are
acceptable. Because the current "only fix style when you change lines"
approach means many old files are forever stuck in an old style.

I think what Bobby is saying is that a tool which restyles only lines
that have only been modified isn't much use. For example, much of
XPConnect uses 4-space indents, when it should use 2-space indents,
and fixing that cannot be sensibly done in any way other than an
entire file (or files) at a time. (And if we're going to fix
indentation, obviously we should fix any other style problems at the
same time.)

In contrast, a tool that can correctly restyle entire files *is* useful.

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