On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 5:16 PM,  <ch...@improbable.org> wrote:
> I think JP2 support could potentially be very interesting because it would 
> make responsive images almost trivial without requiring separate files (i.e. 
> srcset could simply specify a byte-range for each size image) but the 
> toolchain support needs some serious attention.

Are there now JPEG 2000 encoders that make images such that if you
want to decode an image in quarter of the full-size in terms of number
of pixels (both dimensions halved), it is sufficient to use the first
quarter of the file length?

Last I tried, which was years ago, in order to decode a quarter-sized
image in terms of number of pixels with quality comparable to the
full-size image in terms of visible artifacts, it was necessary to
consume half of the file length. That is, in order to use the image
with both dimensions halved, it was necessary to load twice as many
bytes as would have been necessary if there was a separate pre-scaled
file available. Having to transfer twice as much data does not seem
like a good trade-off in order to avoid creating separate files for
responsive images.

Henri Sivonen
dev-platform mailing list

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